


Passionate Specialty Colombian Coffee Growers focused on bringing you excellent coffee, experimental flavors, and traceability in all of our processes and decisions. We aim to make it easier for you when selling the coffee you acquired from us.

Today, buying specialty green coffee is not just analyzing the notes, texture, varietal and special characteristics that your clients are looking for. The market is demanding to go deep behind the main activities to get a wider idea about what the company is offering you. Because, and thanks to technology, research, globalization, and international cooperation, it has been getting easier to get the resources to have high quality and bumper coffees. 

coffee farms
coffee farms

As we are conscious about how hard it can be to sell specialty Colombian coffee in the international market, we want to make you part of our operations, activities and core values that we have as a coffee company, hence, we want to invite you to come to our farms and get to know from first hand the processes and to live the coffee experience is our #CafelumbusExpeditions.

One of our highest pride is our farm called LA RESERVA there we are lucky to find a natural reserve full of life, animals and one hundred reasons to keep saving and caring for nature, which gives us the opportunity to raise the first preferred product around the world: COFFEE. 


In Cafelumbus we have a mission and a project of being diverse in the varieties of coffee in our farms, to be able to source the best profiles and quality to our clients. Currently, we have these varietals: caturra, colombia, castillo, java, moca, gesha, pacamara, maragogype; red, yellow and pink bourbon; wush wush, caturra chiroso, sl28, sl34 and tabi.

Also as part of our creative methodology we are implementing three processes such as, Fully Washed, Honey and Naturals, allowing to achieve a wide range of flavor in using the same beans.

innovation cafelumbus
innovation cafelumbus

You won’t want to miss the flavors obtained through the different maceration processes we use, such as,  carbonic maceration, lactic maceration, anaerobic maceration and oak barrel, and of course, we are always looking for new methods provided by our network of clients and fellow producers. Cafelumbus is a strong believer in the creation value for all, so we are always open to exchange knowledge and best practices with other coffee lovers around the world.

Women play a role in our coffee world. 

The coffee market is becoming feminine with more empowered women growers and there is an increase in investing in gender equity at origin in a big way, with a twofold return in the form of both social impact and increased supply-chain stability. At Cafelumbus women have been more participants in different activities such as leadership, quality control, administrative, technology and innovations. 

The female coffee grower is synonymous with efficiency and production thanks to her attention to detail. Her important task of picking the cherries translates to a great harvest and in the long run, a better sale. And not only for the ones that are out there in the fields, the household activities and taking care of the kids and teaching them how to be part of a society is the most valuable asset for us to have better and happier humans around our coffee plantations. 

We see female coffee growers as family and social leaders. She may be a mother, wife or by herself and has the ability of being actively involved in the productive tasks of the farms. They are entrepreneurs willing to go out, get dirty and do what needs to be done on the fields as well as the coffee farms and go out to the world. 

Catalina Vasquez, she is the legacy of this 100 year coffee growing tradition and she takes the lead in the region with the specialty coffee company that exports to the world. She is a determined woman with temperance and vision that is bringing to the world passion, vibrant coffee from the land where she was born and the land that she lives for.

Specialty Colombian Coffee
Specialty Colombian Coffee

When coffee farmers are female there are:

☑️Happy families and safe environments

☑️ turns out for better coffee


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