
A historic drought has slowed shipping through Panamá Canal.

In recent times, the prevailing theme in global affairs has been the geopolitical conflict leading to confrontations between the armed forces of the U.S. and U.K. against the Houthis, an unauthorized armed group situated in Yemen. The resulting operations have had pronounced implications for maritime activities, with an increase in pirate attacks along the Red […]

coffee flowering: a crucial event in crops

coffee flower

Coffee flowering is a crucial event within the productive stage of coffee, since it marks the beginning of the harvest cycle. 7 of our main farms have outstanding production with healthy crops and trees in excellent condition. In Colombia it occurs at different time of the year and regions of the country and is influenced […]

Cafelumbus is present at the World of Coffee Dubai

We went on a visit to Dubai to make tour  of the stands at the World of Coffee Dubai 2023, the leading coffee trade fair for exhibitors and visitors from the Middle East, a space designed for UAE coffee companies and those who want to enter the Middle Eastern coffee industry. On these days, we […]