
Los Bucaros Farm

Located in: Ciudad Bolivar, Antioquia, Colombia.

Altitude: 1.600 – 1.800 m.a.s.l .

Average temp: 22ºc.

Harvest Periods: Oct-Dec 100%.

Process: Fully washed, 18 fermentations in open tanks, mechanical dried.

Variety: Maragogype.


About farm

Silvia, Juan and Gilberto are the best known Maragogype coffee producers in Ciudad Bolivar. They have been growing this coffee variety for at least 30 years as part of the tradition from his parents and despite the difficulties because global warming, they still believe that is a great coffee for specialty market.

We are the match between quality,
sustainability and customer relation

Develop trustworthy relationship with our clients.

Promote transparency in every step of the process.

Sustainability for people and the planet.

Support, educate and grow our coffee community.