
Bolívar blend

Located in:  Ciudad Bolivar Antioquia

Altitude: 1.700 – 1.900 m.a.s.l 

Average temp °C: 22 

Harvets Periods: Oct-Dec: 70% (Main Harvest) and 

Apr – Jun: 30% (mitaca)

Variety: Caturra – Colombia

Process: Natural

About farm

At Ciudad Bolivar, town where Cafelumbus started, is a well known town for high quality producing coffee, all the coffee is 100% hand-picked. the good relationships that we have with neighbors, makes a lot easier to have blends, maintaining the quality and high standards for production. 


Harvest: Main harvest is from October to December and flycrop between April and May to june.. the workforce increases those times, arriving pickres from all over the country and sometimes neighboring countries. Every farmer do manually picking and collect the rape cherries and weight twice a day.


In Ciudad Bolivar, the producers work hard, because they envision themselves as being pioneers in Colombia for the production of specialty coffee of the finest quality based on sustainable development, conservation of ecosystems, clean water and sanity, economic growth, infrastructure, green energy and to have close and durable relationships with the clients.

We are the match between quality,
sustainability and customer relation

Develop trustworthy relationship with our clients.

Promote transparency in every step of the process.

Sustainability for people and the planet.

Support, educate and grow our coffee community.