This farm is the birthplace of a coffee maker’s dream, the place where I grew up and collected some of my best memories. Each morning was nothing short of perfect with my husband and children. Picking our food and caring for the farm’s 26 acres filled with flowers and trees. We lived at 1300 to 1600 masl and we taught our children about the family’s coffee picking tradition and how to produce the most delicious specialty coffee. Planting new varieties such as Caturra, Castillo, and Colombia along the way.
We created a “garden of Eden” after our neighbors and guests praised our coffee. It is here, in this garden that we planted micro-lots with a few varieties such as Java, Pacamara, Red Bourbon, Gesha, and Typica. My experience thanks to living out in the fields, has given me the tools and wisdom to teach my children about their heritage. They will then teach their children about preserving this wonderful legacy that is COFFEE!
+57 314 594 8765
Cll 49 44-82 Ciudad Bolívar, Antioquia, Colombia
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