Located in: Ibagué, Chaparral, Planadas, Tolima, Co.
Altitude: 1.600 – 1.900 m.a.s.l.
Average temp: 21ºC.
Harvest period: Nov-Jan 60%, May-Jul 40%.
Process: Fully washed, hand picked, fermented 20-28 hours in open tanks, sun drying
Variety: Caturra – Colombia – Castillo.
Tolima is the third coffee producing department in Colombia, representing 12% of the country’s production. It is located in the center of the country on the Andes mountain range, so it has different microclimates and altitudes that allow the coffee to develop unique characteristics.
Tolima coffee farmers are mostly small producers who have dedicated themselves to cultivating coffee with care and dedication for many years despite the difficulties, mainly the violence between armed groups that for many years hit this region. Nowadays the conditions have changed and thanks to this there is one of the most recognized coffees in Colombia and several times has been awarded in contests as cup of excellence.
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+57 314 594 8765
mariajuliana@cafelumbus.com diana@cafelumbus.com santiago@cafelumbus.com liliana@cafelumbus.com
Cll 49 44-82 Ciudad Bolívar, Antioquia, Colombia
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