
Waiting on visitors from Scotia

We just came back from the States and waiting for a roaster from Scotia to come visit us for two weeks. Hopefully he is coming in his kilt and bringing the bagpipe, so local people can see how different and interesting the end of the coffee beans trip can be.

The plan is to visit the farms and meet the farmers and farm managers, and get the hands dirty if possible. To meet a local experimentalist coffee guy, who has collected over 30 varieties of coffee from around the world and he is now experimenting to get the best cup of coffee the world has seen. Most likely, this is the location where the next supernatural coffee bean is going to be born and an exiting variety will set a new standard for coffee.

We are going to visit Ciudad Bolivar, Jardin, Farallones and surroundings. Also going to visit various coffee processing facilities: dry mills, wet mills, sun drying and not sun drying stations and get to know more about all the processes, like washed,  honey and natural coffee subtlety. Coffee growing and processing is a really delicate and complex process, so as roasting and preparing coffee. But at the same time they are so different, even using the very same beans. Our mission is to continue to work to getting these two ends of the coffee bean journey (producers and roasters), closer and closer.

Ok we have to go and meet out roaster fellow at the airport. The story just begins…



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